Gov-HER-Nance: Climate Inclusion Fellows
Written by: Accountability Lab Nepal
Introducing young and dynamic female youth leaders who are keen to advocate for climate governance through gender lense.
Mamata Gautam
Mamata is pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Forestry from the Institute of Forestry-Pokhara Campus. She is actively involved in advocating for climate change. She is an active member of NYCA-Pokhara and is also associated with various youth groups taking climate action. Mamata believes that we are probably the last generation to actually make a significant change and finds this as everyone’s obligation to come together to combat climate change not only for us but also because we owe it to our future generation.
Manisha Adhikari
Manisha is a public health professional and is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Prithivi Narayan Campus, Pokhara. She was a fellow of the Pre-professional Parliamentary Support Program at Pokhara Research Center. She is also a local coordinator of the South Asia Student for Liberty- chapter in Nepal. Manisha being a local from Pokhara and experiencing the effects of climate change is passionate about advocating for climate governance through this fellowship.
Deepa Adhikari
Deepa is pursuing a BA LLB degree at Tribhuvan University. As a law student, she feels Nepal’s laws are progressive in tackling environmental issues as Nepal has policies in place and is also part of internationally binding commitments. However, she feels a lack of accountability is one of the major issues in implementation. Through this fellowship, she wants to explore the linkages of gender and climate change and advocate for policy implementations.
Dikshya Giri
Dikshya is a high school graduate. She is a young and dynamic youth leader and is affiliated with a few organizations from different sectors including LOFA Pokhara which works to provide financial literacy to students. She is also a content writer and MUN organizer at Youth Thinkers Society Pokhara. She feels that as a youth and a responsible citizen, she is responsible to make issues such as climate change more visible and loud to the concerned authorities. Through the fellowship, she wants to take action and make a difference.
Laxmi Adhikari
Laxmi is currently pursuing Bachelor’s degree in Arts at Prithivi Narayan Campus. She is currently a member of the Rotaract Club of Hemja and the Redcross society. Laxmi is concerned that climate change not only affects humans but it further contributes to the already existing inequalities in society. The recent flood episodes at Hemja and the frequent change in the weather pattern which can also be felt are what has deepened her interest in climate action.
Jayanti Sharma
Jayanti has completed her BSc. in Environment science. She is very passionate about climate advocacy. She has been involved in a series of climate research and has conducted many green projects collaborating with government officials. She is also a radio presenter at Radio Safalta where she collects and presents environmental news on a weekly basis. She believes women and girls experience the greatest impacts of climate change, which amplifies existing gender inequalities and poses unique threats to their livelihoods, health, and safety, and wants to contribute to change through this fellowship.
Anju Dahal
Anju is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in law at Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara, and is also a performing theater artist. She is serving as a co-director of the advocacy committee of the golden Z club of Annapurna. As she has been expressing the ground realities of the communities through the characters and plays she believes the issues of climate change should be discussed through creative story-telling such as theater and films and is crucial for ground advocacy. She wants to contribute to climate advocacy in creative forms through this fellowship.
Manisha Neupane
Manisha is pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health from the School of Health and Allied Sciences, Pokhara University. She is interested in community health, especially in the health of women and children. She is currently volunteering in Sochi-Youth for Nutrition as a Gandaki Provincial Volunteer which works on Nutrition among mothers, adolescents, and children. During her study, she realized the impacts of environmental hazards on human health. She takes this fellowship as an opportunity where she can advocate for climate action in regard to health, especially of women and children.
Urusha Lamshal
Urusha is pursuing her bachelor’s degree at the Institute of Forestry- Pokhara Campus. She is currently working as the coordinator of the Alumni Association for Conservation and Development. She is also identified as a student gender champion in the forestry sector and is an associate at Female Forester’s Network, Nepal. As a student of forestry and passionate about the topic of climate change, she is well aware of the fact that climate change has been impacting men, women, and the LGBTQI community differently, especially in rural Nepal. She believes there is an immediate need to assess these impacts and formulate policies to address those issues.
Poonam Poudel
Poonam is an undergraduate student of Medical Biochemistry at Pokhara University. She has also worked as a medical laboratory technologist. She loves participating in different social programs and likes to engage in campaigns where she can make some positive impact using her knowledge and expertise. Being from a medical background she has minimum experience in the social sector but wants to explore it. She is passionate about gender issues and wants to understand and explore gender and climate resilience through this fellowship through hands-on experience.
Prasamsha Paudel
Prasamsa is pursuing Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering from Paschimanchal Campus-Pokhara. She likes to take lead in the projects, teamwork, and campaigns. She is part of various tech communities where techies from various fields gather to discuss challenges and try to solve them. In the longer run, Prasamsha wants to contribute her expertise in building climate-resilient systems and structures through the use of technology.
Pratistha Karki
Pratistha is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts from Prithivi Narayan Campus. She is originally from Parbat. She loves interacting with people and states that the youth are the nation’s future but it is high time that they are considered at present too. Their idea, vision, and voice need to be acknowledged in making the decision now and not always be sidelined. Through this fellowship, she wants to incorporate youth voices on climate actions in government decision-making.